orchestral scores
Here you will find some orchestral scores for diverse instrumentation, written in the context of residencies. Simple arrangements, variations or compositions around one of the following themes.
around satie
• Gymnopédies #4 (2018)
In addition to various arrangements that are quite faithful to the originals, I especially like to start with a simple pattern here and there, and build something else with it. In fact, my Gymnopedics #4 takes a few sentences from the first 3, mixed with more personal ones, in order to propose this new piece which I hope would have pleased Satie! (small excerpt here)
• Yachting (2018)
Example a little similar or just the harmonic cadence (4 chords) of this little piece from “Sports and Entertainment” allows me to build an autonomous title with a melodic development absent from the original version. (small excerpt here)
• Le beau vélo de Rachel (2018)
I wrote this track to avenge Frank Zappa, who was banned from covering the “real” Bolero in one of his last albums. Mine takes up the rhythm of the melody, but goes on to other notes, with many chords and modulations, unlike the original. (just the final here)
around zappa
• I Promise not to come in your mouth (2015)
For me, one of F. Zappa’s most beautiful melodic pieces. As often, written in 3/4 ( Sofa, Idiot Bastard Son…). This one highlights her use of harmonic movements that progress by 1/2 tone, alternating major and minor chords.
• Peaches in regalia (2015)
One of the first mythical titles of Frank Zappa. The original form is respected but some melodic sentences are sometimes transformed a little, especially in the rhythmic placement.
Around pop
• Roxane on the moon (2014)
coming soon
• Stairway to heaven (2014)
coming soon
These scores are available free of charge for private or group use. Feel free to come back to me (contact) if you are looking for other titles. Any commercial use must be requested in advance.
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